Tuesday, January 13, 2009


so the news comes on right after American Idiot I mean Idol.  This show is a train wreck...why do I watch it?  Maybe it's my morbid sense of humor to watch humanity degrade itself for the sole purpose of having 10 minutes of fame and glory, and to hold on to that dream.  Some of these people actually believe they have a chance, and they walk to Simon and Dawg and team (who's the new chick, and what happens with a tie?) so proud and full of confidence...

And then they sing.  Dear Lord, they sing.  The belt out show tunes from years passed and stereotypical melodical monologues only to call in a goose or three.  And then they have the odacity to get MAD when they are denied their glory?  They go down in a ball of flames as they yell at the camera guy, sobbing and whining, mad at the world.  Only to find out that Simon and team kept the chick in the bikini because Simon could not stop drooling.  

Then the news comes on.  6 kids in Greensburg PA got in trouble for sending cell phone text messages with pictures of themselves..or their PARTS to each other.  The news reporter called it "sexting", a curious play on the word "texting."  Seriously, what the hell is this place/world  coming to?  Idol is evil.  I never would have thought that something so hope driven and healthily competitive would be brought down to the point that some chick flashing her sweater puppies would get a fair shot along with the girl that could actually sing.  And 6 young teens feel the need to play show and tell with each other using their cell phones.  It's disgusting.  

My kids will learn to hate me someday.  I only pray that I have the strength to get through those years.  I've read and been told that raising teens is like nailing jell-o to a tree.  My boys have the wonderful priviledge of having a very tech savvy dad, they will NOT do something on the computer/internet that I won't know about.  They have the pleasure of having a dad that got into plenty of trouble, and was smart enough to avoid the trouble the rest of the time.  I lied my way out of most times I got caught, and as the saying goes, you can't fib a fibber.  They are SCREWED.  Whatever they can do, I probably did it.  I won't be a helicopter dad though.   I subcribe to the theory that everyone needs JUST enough rope...not too much but just enough, to hang themselves.  They will not have the freedom of being able to text message and send images.  They will do as I do, take the pic, and download it to the computer.  On that note, I really endorse Sony Ericsson phones on the AT&T network, as they seem to be the only ones that don't neuter the functionality of the Bluetooth on the phone.  I can use my W580i as a remote control for the computer for crying out loud...this may come in very handy when I get the S-video and audio extension cable so I can play web content on my TV in the den.  My birthday is coming...

Back to the kids...the only option we all have as a country and parents is to get God back in the picture.  Amanda and I have been letting Jesus lead our lives since Easter of 2004 and we have not turned back.  We occasionally need a nudge from Him, but for the most part His influence has greatly shaped our lives and choices.  Every day we learn from Him and we both hope to be walking in His steps for the rest of our lives and then some.  

I think we need to ban Idol.  I think we need to ban cell phones for kids.  What 14 year old kid needs a cell phone?  I think we need to have uniforms in public schools.  I only wish we could afford to send both our boys to private Christian school, but aside from that we'll do our absolute best to keep God front and center in all our lives.  And finally, we won't lose sight of the small things.  

I read yesterday about a boy who was believed to have had a stroke, only to be released and returned...to be diagnosed with a tumor and given only days to live.  He's five years old.  So is Nick.  Nick called me today to tell me he knew his phone number...God I love my boys.     

I recently found out that my good friend in high school has a boy with autism.  At first, my heart sank for John, and I felt bad.  But after reading his blog, I was reminded of John's sense of humor, how good and fair his parents were, and just how big all their hearts were.  I've lost touch with John over the years...the last time I saw him he was shaking a hangover in Lincoln Nebraska where he was attending college.  We had lunch at denny's or perkins and have barely spoken since.   John's sense of humor and his strength will carry him through the difficult times ahead with his son William, and he has been given a wonderful gift to be able to bridge the gap between our world and how his son sees things.  I'm happy for John, he has found a woman who at least in part seems his equal in strength and vision.  They also believe.  Here's a prayer to John and family for continued strength and joy through all times with their kids.  Maybe we can have lunch again some time.  

I wonder what an autistic boy would take pictures of with a cell phone?  I've seen my son's artistic eye with a camera and no subject is avoidable.  I have pictues of a single chunk of dog food.  I have lots of pics of mommy, a couple of daddy, a couple of daddy's hunting boots, JayJay the Jet Dog, and countless random shots of things around the house.  I'm curiously reminded of the time when I got my first camera at graduation.  It was a Pentax K1000 with a couple lenses.  I taught myself photography (and fly tying and fly fishing and other things)  from various library books and my only artistic leash was the cost of film and developing.  Mom didn't understand what bracketing (thank you Greg Hartel!) was, and she lightly ribbed me for having 20 shots of the same thing.  My, oh my, how digital has changed all that.  Nickolas can take THOUSANDS of shots and our largest expense is some rechargeable AA batteries.  

Maybe what this world really needs is to go back to being able to see thru the eyes of a child.  Oh, and a few more black grandmas.  I can't imagine some of the things going on in the oval office going they way they do if a black grandma was watching over things.   I'm out.  Here's to seeing thru the eyes of a child.  

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