Friday, January 9, 2009

Recession Secession

Secession (derived from the Latin term secessio) is the act of withdrawing from an organization, union, or especially a political entity.

How fitting that our media is playing such a huge role in our lives these days.  It seems the faster we can communicate, the faster someone can screw up what the message was.  Every day we hear about how bad the economy is, and the media/news is chock full of gloom and doom and OMG, we will all be in bread and cheese lines by the end of the decade.  I have a different perspective than most.  I work for a large telecom - one of the largest in the United States and let me tell you something.  We are NOT in a recession.

The economic problems we see on the news are generated BY THE NEWS.  If they would get their stinking snout out of the soup for a while and let it simmer, everything will come together in short order.  I have more orders in my bucket today than I had last year at this time.  I'm actually SLAMMED, and have been for months.  Business slowed down for a couple weeks and we are now back to the races.

I hear many stories about how people are panicking and pulling retirement money out to stuff it under their mattress and all these banks closing - the bank closings are due to bad practice brought on by Govt regulation - another dick that needs removed from the soup but that's for another blog.  You want to help the economy?  Pretend we are NOT in a recession for a moment.  SPEND some money.  And send a stack of letters to long lost friends.  Stop sending emails for one month.  Print and mail every one of those damned forwards to your friends.  The postal service needs your change, and so does the paper industry.  Did you know that the USPS is faced now with consolidating routes, laying off employees and downsizing?  All because we are too damned lazy to buy stamps and mail a letter.  

Ignore the "recession" and quit letting the tail wag the dog for a while.  This pot of soup ain't done cooking yet and we still have some fat to skim from the top.  I sure hope Buck Ofama brought his waders...this pot's a little deep.  I hope he can handle it, because I can't WAIT to see what kind of stink hole America becomes if his VP becomes the incumbent.  

Lets start the Recession Secession.  Now go buy some consumables!

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