See, she's been an absolute royal...well...wife...of late. I love her dearly and she means the world to me but occasionally through various reasons known and unknown, her grouchy side shows. This week has been especially trying, and I too have had my momentary lapses in judgment, quick witted comebacks and general diarrhea of the mouth. I call it "having a case of the bitchies." None of this was healthy for us so I had to take a step back and think about why this is all happening. It goes back to the birth of our first son, then our second, and both of our battles with obesity. See, she and I are right back at the weight of when our second son was born just under a year ago. And we never really got back to pre-first kid weight either. I say we because it is not her alone, we are both, fat. This year though, matter of fact, this New Year's Eve, marked the point that she has absolutely had enough with the battle. After viewing some photos from the party (which i know better than to post here LOL) and not liking what we saw, the gloves have come off, She is hardcore flour, no sugar, and the carbohydrate withdrawal has firmly attached sharp teeth, a sharper tongue, and a set of horns upon us.
In the interest of eating healthier, she is making great strides in eliminating those foods which we all know are not good for us and as of late last night, she's finally over The Bitchies. I went through the induction phase of Atkins twice, I know exactly what The Bitchies are, and now having seen them from the other side, I'm REALLY sorry I put my family through this. But here we are. For the better I hope, and we can all begin to eat better, introduce some healthier foods (see yesterdays post, and we also found out about Quinoa which we plan to cook soon) and make better choices in life. It is with this introduction to new healthier foods for the family which brings us to this point...which brings me back to Todd.
Todd was high school best friend who's dad taught me many things. Colonel Crank's the one that told me as a young teen that men sometimes have to wear deodorant...and then sent me to the store promptly to get some. He's the one that showed me that you could reload shotgun shells, make your own hunting clothing, and generally just taught me about respect out of love vs. fear, a trait my own father still struggles with from time to time. Colonel Crank taught me alot. He was fair but firm with his kids, we all addressed him as "Sir" and I remember one time asking him what his first name was. He replied with a warm even stare, "Mister."
I had my first wild game ever under the tutelage of Todd's family who was gracious enough to invite me over for a pot of squirrels and biscuits. I still remember the shot plate in the middle of the table and how utterly WONDERFUL the dinner was. Todd and I were having a short candid discussion one day about girls and life and happiness when out of the blue, Colonel Crank told us both at the same time what happiness really is.
And today, my wife asked me how she should prepare the venison steaks she thawed (on her own). Prophetic were Colonel Crank's words as my wife and I continue to grow closer and share in some of life's little moments. I love my wife...and though she might not agree,
Happiness really is "Backstraps in Butter".
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