Dear ---, I've been sitting on this for some time and really don't want to be singled out for taking this to HR, so I thought I'd try this forum. My first reaction to our multi-cultural fair was "Wow, what a great display of the spirit of learning and desire to absorb bits and pieces of our wonderful array of diverse ethnicity." I proceeded to get a plate of the usual picnic foods and topped it all off with many of the items prepared by the volunteer staff. The food looked wonderful...I could not wait to grab a seat and chow down. As I got situated at the table I saw it. Much like a new father with a stinky diaper, I picked up the flyer entitled "10 great sex tips for gay men" only to be confronted with images of very intimate interaction as I thumbed through it with morbid curiosity.
Leo, this type of thing either needs not show up at a CULTURAL event, or the organizers that saw fit to call it a cultural event should have called it a diversity event. I know what DIVERSITY is, and it should not be confused with CULTURE. Additionally, if literature like this is to be distributed at a company sponsored event, then other "alternative lifestyles" and some "none-alternative lifestyles" should be equally represented. I'm sure there are people among our family who endulge and participate in a variety of activies like beastiality, bondage, S&M, scat games, water sports, etc. who were equally abhorred in light of the fact that their particular lifestyle of choice was not given the lime-light this time around. We could even have demonstrations and possibly recruitments for that matter. Many of us have never even heard of or know about some of these things and who are we to shelter our COMPANY NAME brothers and sisters from this knowledge? We could have even used pamphlets full of sex tips for straight folks too. My wives (yes, plural) would have been MOST delighted with that, and let us not forget the 10 great sex tips for bi-and bi-curious women. Surely that would make for good reading material while in/on the head/john. Why not bring religion into the picture? Some pamphlets from some of the local churches, synagogues, temples, monastaries, etc. could have found a home on the table right next to the Gay Sex Tips pamphlets, and I hear some of the local Catholic churches make some stellar pierogies that they could have brought to our luncheon.
I'm really sorry to get so graphic, but to be honest, pamphlets like this are a hard thing to swallow while enjoying a good charred weiner in a soft warm bun. Furthermore, I recognize and even embrace Company Name's willingness to accept other lifestyles. It's just that recently it seems to me that we have gone a little further than accepting...straight to promoting.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Lunch with Uncle Ted
Ever check your email and see an email that just really BURNS YOU? My lovely wife saw fit to send me a link to
These left wing nuts are actually succeeding in getting legislature in front of our state politicians advocating the use of serial numbers on bullets. The map above shows states where legislation HAS BEEN INTRODUCED. Not only that, but they intend on imposing a tax to cover the tracking and paperwork for the implementation of this plan. Ammunition expenses are already increasing due to the war effort and other factors but the thought
of adding 2-5 cents PER BULLET to the cost of a box of ammo is just rediculous. A brick of .22LR bullets - a mainstay in LEGAL recreational shooting could soon cost more in taxes than the bullets themselves. A brick can currently be bought for around 8-15 dollars for 500 cartridges. Add 5 cents PER ROUND to that cost, and we are now looking at an additional $25.00 in TAXES. That same brick now costs $35 or more!
When is the radical left going to figure out that it is not guns that kill people. it's the outlaws, the poor, the desperate that they so need in their constituency who continue to perpetrate these crimes. The CRIMINALS. OUTLAWS. What makes them think that the OUTLAWS are going to abide by a law of ammunition sales and tracking? It has worked really well with guns, huh? Three of the most highly restricted cities to get guns have some of the highest murder rates, WITH GUNS. New York, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles California, all leftist hotbeds, all liberal in intention and legislation, are fantastic examples of how current gun control methods and laws are NOT working.
And that's not the end. The Libs want to track all kinds of information at the time of the sale - drivers license number, social security number, date and time of purchase, intent of use, etc. I can't believe I'm even writing about this. The blood pressure is just boiling right now to think that with the currently elected clown that this might actually HAPPEN?!?! Guys and Gals, we REALLY need to get back to basics here and return America to what it was founded on. America is NOT one big charity event. The people that settled here worked HARD to ensure we did not have to live in tyranny again. Yes, this great county has endured her growing pains, but overall we have some core traits and values that must be upheld and reinstated.
WE have to get back to God. WE MUST work with our children more. Stop letting someone else give your kids their values...raise your own damn kids. And if you can't, then keep your willy in it's holster or your knees together. I've made a committment to raise my kids knowing our forefathers and where we came from. I heard a couple months ago that many schools across the country are not teaching American History past the Civil War. That's about as bright as providing a copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution in spanish to non english speaking immigrants.
We have to put some morals back into this country and address social misfit for what it actually is. Since when did it make sense that two homosexuals could get company benefits because of a domestic partnership clause, but a man and woman who have lived together for over 9 years cannot? Jay, I applaud you for persuing this issue when you did, and I'm glad it worked out...but it still disheartens me to know that there had to be a fight for this.
I'm sick of having someones cause jammed down my throat at every turn. I'm reminded of a luncheon i had at a previous employer...I ended up writing to the company president about it on an anonymous company forum - a forum which all employees can see.
Which brings me to the title of todays Blog. I just added "Lunch with Uncle Ted" to my bucket list. I'm thinking he and I share at least a couple views. Here's to one of the most written in people in the past 4 elections. Nuge for Prez.
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