Tuesday, June 8, 2010

do you ever...

forget to blog for a while and then find yourself NEEDING to write something but then suffer the consequences of having writers block? This sucks. I really need to get something on paper, but I'm just not sure what it is. I know one thing. the workplace is NOT a good scene to set Slacker (http://www.slacker.com/) to the Bloodhound Gang channel. Though good for chair dancing and getting rid of some of the caffeine in your body, the lyrics leave a little to be desired. Unfortunately, they don't really align with my spiritual beliefs either.

Since we are on THAT subject, this weekends service was one of miracles. Johannes Amritzer stopped by to congratulate our MCM ministry school students for graduating. They had just returned from Tanzania and many of them saw real miracles first hand. Amanda and I also saw a miracle during this service...her dad decided to join us. I'm not sure it was a good service for a new comer...I mean, Amanda and I were shell shocked and we are dyed in the wool believers. We believe in miracles and healings...and her dad...eh...not so much. I think it may have been VERY Benny Hinn for him, but the best part was he actually stopped to text us the following day to ask questions. Miracles DO happen :)

My oldest finishes Kindergarten this week. Time is flying and I don't involve him enough in what I'm doing. Amanda coaxed him to climb the ladder a couple days ago to give me my hammer while i was on the roof. I was PANICKED the whole time...but he did it, and did it well. I don't give him enough credit, and need to let him spread his wings I guess. I'd just feel like crap if he got hurt...that's how it goes I guess.

My youngest is two. Very two. enough said. he finally figured out that if he whines enough SOMEONE will give him that which he whines for. Not daddy. Daddy will give him his room for whining. which makes him SCREAM. Daddy will sometimes give in to the screaming and provide that which was whined for to stop the screaming. It's amazing, and usually squelches the fire whistles.

Gastric bypass recipe and favorite food of this update is simple. You want a pizza fix, but pizza is NOT on the menu. One small corn tortilla, a little sauce, a couple pepperoni, and some cheese. bake at 425 for 10 mins. Oh man...the pizza fix is FIXED.

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