to hugs from my kids and wife - it's nice to FEEL loved
to dogs. Cats are for tormenting
to the internet. Mail a letter - the post office needs you.
to FPS games. Look, it's either them, or real people...a great stress reliever
to nature. my favorit subject for taking don't have to tell mother nature to smile, she does it on her own
to microfiber - it's the new cotton
to mp3's - I used to think as a kid how cool it would be to digitize music and keep it on a chip you could put in a player. Hmm...kinda missed the boat on that one.
to fast cars - I really miss my CRX
to tall trucks - I really miss my Amigo
to knives - to some a weapon, to me a tool. Never without one.
to messes. It's my mess, i'll clean it up when i can't find something i forgot i needed
to food. that's about to end very abruptly in a couple days
to tea - oh, i mentioned that already - did you know one cup of rooibos tea has more anti-oxidants than a whole bowl of blueberries?
to venison jerkey - the last batch lasted all of 3 days...4 lbs of meat in 3 days. I blame my coworkers.
to cooking. I fear that I may lose this part of me after my surgery
to fishing. I love teaching Nick about fishing, and soon Jackson will be following in his footsteps
to memories of dad before he got sick - he's just not the same. I still love him dearly, he's still Dad, but not.
to memories of high school - if i only knew then what I know now.
to directional tires. My random thought of the day.
to noise isolation headphones. All i can hear right now is the calm cool melody of Andrei Krylov's classical guitar.
to the first three StarWars movies. the rest suck.
to church. Even though i feel like the people can be very clickish and I don't belong, i feel the calling and cannot stray alone
to God. He's awesome, in SO many ways.
to native american art. I don't have enough, and probably never will
to writing, can you tell?
Addictions come in all shapes and sizes. some good, some bad, all consuming. I once thought that an addiction to something meant that you consumed that something....but in reality it consumes eeks its way into your every thought and shapes the way you prioritize your day. Addictions can be great motivators. Just like the parent that bribes her child with a treat or something yummy, you can bribe yourself with your addiction.
But what about your anti-addiction? Those things you HATE to do? Those things that consume your thoughts so that you may avoid them? they consume you just as bad, but are more easily overcome. Just eat your frog.
Your frog is that thing you don't want to do and if you eat your frog first, then the rest of the day is simple. do that which you loathe to get it out of the way and your day will run much smoother. I once saw a program about a Marines survival camp. During their stay, the soldiers were able to capture (snare) a coyote. The instructors made the soldiers eat the lungs and liver cooked in a little water first. The thought was that if they could make it through that little ration, then when presented with a true survival situation, they would be more willing to do what it takes to survive. They already accomplished the worst they could ever do, it's all down hill from there.
Kinda like fire walking. I want to do this really bad and hope to get Amanda to go with me. We could both use the confidence boost from time to time.
I'm addicted to being Big Jay. I'm addicted to being the center of attention...not because I seek it (well...maybe I do just a little) but moreso because I just simply command attention when i'm around. What happens when your addictions are taken from you? The smoker finds another high. the drinker finds another high. the lard ass will find another "high"...
I hope it's a productive addiction.
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